4x4 haters versus the truth...

Originally Published: March 2024

How many hobbies should a person have? The answer appears infinite. Certainly in my own case, in addition to green lane activities I birdwatch, help run a charity and do a load of other, sometimes questionable things.
The most questionable of all is a love of fact checking. You know the kind of stuff – using Facebook to sensitively correct misunderstandings about stuff like immigration, electric vehicles and especially the flat earthers. And in that latter case I have a particular speciality, having spent many happy hours arguing with many Americans about the nature of our planet. 

One thing I have learnt (although I don’t actually seem to have really learnt it as I’m still banging my head against the wall) is that arguing with fanatics is entirely pointless. They simply are not interested in facts and truth and common sense, or even the evidence of their own eyes. They have an opinion, however mad it might be, and all they are interested in is shouting about it, regardless of how unrelated to reality it might be. Thus I feel well qualified to be able to comment on the latest emission from the anti-access group we have lived alongside for so many years: GLEAM (the Green Lanes Environmental Action Movement).

These people are committed to removing rights enjoyed by motorised lane users. Spurred on by the occasional historic success, and further still by more recent legal defeats (another sign of the unbowed fanatic), they see themselves as a bastion of hope for our once pastoral nation now plagued by evil vehicles.

Read the full article in Overlander 4x4 April.

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