New Truckman Tops Turns HI-LUX Into Mobile Workshop

Originally Published: August 2017

TRUCKMAN HAS LAUNCHED a new Utility hard-top for the current Toyota Hi-Lux, which is designed to let fi eld-based engineers turn their vehicles into mobile workshops and stores. Suitable for both the Extra-Cab and Double-Cab versions of the Hi- Lux, the tops are aimed at engineers and contractors working in sectors such as gas, electricity, water, lineside and telecommunications – all of which are likely to require a regular means of access to off-road locations. They create a large-capacity space for racking system, with access available through a secure rear door and gull-wing side doors. The Utility top is made to take a static roof weight of 100kg, providing further carrying capacity when roof bars are fitted. It can be installed without any need to remove the bulkhead window guard which is found on the Active model in the Hi-Lux range, and has a high-gloss gel white fi nish and hose-out interior for easy maintenance. Another useful feature is a built-in electrical conduit, allowing vehicle converters to install additional lights, alarms and other electrical systems. ‘With an ever-increasing need in the utility sectors to deliver quick-response maintenance and repairs, the Utility Top has proven to be an ideal solution for fleet managers and field-based engineers,’ says Truckman boss Mike Wheeler. ‘The ability to not only transport kit and equipment to remote locations, but to operate a mobile workshop and stores, has become a real advantage to industry.’ Whether your pick-up is a Hi-Lux or one of the many other models for which Truckman makes a huge range of quality tops, your next port of call is

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