A colourful answer to mixed-up spanners

Originally Published: September 2015

YOU KNOW THOSE ‘WHY DIDN’T ANYBODY THINK OF THAT BEFORE?’ MOMENTS you sometimes have in life? Well, this is a story about multi-coloured spanners.

It’s possible that there may be a reason why spanners have always been the colour of… well, spanners. And it’s very, very hard not to snigger when you clap your eyes on one of Sealey’s Multi-Coloured Combination Spanner Sets, which assault your senses with more hues than the rainbow. But actually, once you’ve got past the fear of what your mates will say when you show up to work toting one of these under your arm, what you’re looking at here could actually make a good bit of sense.

After all, how often have you been lying under your Land Rover with three or four spanners on the go at once and no way of knowing if you’ve just picked up the right one? If one size is yellow, another’s red and still another is blue, life will get easier.
And prettier, too. Which is nice. There are two sets in the range, each of them containing 12 pieces in a dozen different colours. Your choice is between combo and ratchet spanners – in each case, your spanners are made from hardened, tempered chrome vanadium steel finished with a chrome plated finish. They might not be the sharpest tools in the box, but they’ll certainly be the brightest.

Both sets come with a lifetime warranty, and as always seems to be the case with tools they’re currently available as part of a promotion. Sealey’s summer promotion, to be precise, which sees the S01074 Combination Set drop to £41.94 from £59.94 while the S01075 Ratchet Set comes down from £119.94 to £71.94. These prices include VAT in each case; Sealey is at www.sealey.co.uk.


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