Portable Welding With No Hassle

Originally Published: December 2013

SIP has launched a new range of OxyTurbo welding and brazing kits which promise ‘a complete welding solution, ready to go straight out of the box.’ The three-strong range is ‘perfect for maintenance and service engineers, farmers, builders and the automotive industry – including motorsport enthusiasts.’

The Turbo sets don’t need a mains supply to work – yet, says SIP, they’re powerful enough to weld mild steel. Better still, the type of gas cylinders used isn’t subject
to normal controls, meaning they can be treated as disposable, so you don’t have to stump up for rental charges.

The range starts with the Turbo Set 110, whose four nozzles deliver up to 225 ltr/hr and a super concentrated heat output of up to 3050°C. It comes in a lightweight metal carrier and, says SIP, is perfect for automotive repairs.

The Turbo Set 200 is similarly portable but more powerful, with up to 315 ltr/hr and a concentrated heat output of up to 3100°C. More of a heavy-duty option than the 110, this is recommended for use in construction, agriculture and the automotive industry.

Finally, the Turbo Set 300 is distinguished by coming in its own heavy-duty aluminium carry case, complete with pull-out handle and wheels. Inside is a set that’s the same as the 200, complete with an extra oxygen cylinder – and the lid of the case is pocketed on the inside to give you somewhere to store your ancillary tools. ‘The ultimate portable welding solution,’ says SIP.

These Italian-made kits promise to be easy to use, and each includes comprehensive instructions. SIP also offers cans of disposable oxygen and gas, as well as the welding and brazing filler rods you’ll need to actually do some work with them.

Recommended retail prices for the three sets range from about £325 to £655, but as is the way in the wonderful world of power tools you’ll always find dealers offering vast discounts. We’ve seen all three at about half these prices, so make sure you shop around. SIP’s own website, at www.sip-group.com, is no bad place to start.


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