A New Name for Total Off-Road!

Originally Published: April 2017

TOR to amalgamate with 4x4 magazine - First combined issue on sale 14 April - More pages, more features - still off-road to the core!

EVER SINCE OUR LAUNCH, back in September 2002, Total Off-Road has competed with the established market leader, 4x4 magazine. It’s been a hard-fought fight, set to the backdrop of an ever-tougher marketplace. But Assignment Media, the publishers of Total Off-Road, are proud to announce that the fighting is over. We’ve purchased 4x4 from its previous owners – and now we’re going to roll it together with TOR to create the best off-road magazine Britain has ever had.

If you read TOR regularly, one glance inside the new magazine and you’ll instantly recognise it as the same Total Off-Road you already know. But with more pages and more features, it’ll cover the entire 4x4 scene better than ever before – from hardcore off-road trucks and long-range overland vehicles to daily-drivers old and new, it’ll be in here. But one thing that will be changing is the magazine’s name. The reason for this is simple – 4x4 was in more shops than us, and has more readers. So as well as reflecting the breadth of the content you’ll find in it, by using its name we can reach more readers.

The new-look 4x4 incorporating Total Off-Road, will be the best of both worlds. Bringing together the pick of both titles, in a bigger, better format, it’ll contain a wide range of features including:
• Modified vehicle profiles
• Step-by-step guides to green lane routes
• Workshop and project vehicle features
• Expedition stories and travel advice
• Enhanced coverage of 4x4-related products
• New vehicle news and reviews
• Used buyers’ guides
• Club and event coverage

As a TOR reader, the main differences you’ll see beyond the new name will be some extra sections, the addition of more pages and a little fine-tuning of our existing content. What we’re definitely not going to do is create a magazine about soft-roaders – while we will cover new and used vehicles from every part of the 4x4 spectrum, we’ll be concentrating on those built to do more than just look like they can go off-road.

Between them, 4x4 and Total Off-Road have been going for just under half a century. That’s a valuable heritage, and we’re going to look after it. We intend to make the new-look 4x4 incorporating Total Off-Road into a better magazine than the British 4x4 scene has ever had until now – and whether you come at it as a hardcore off-roader, a weekend warrior, an everyday 4x4 driver or someone with a adventure in their blood, we’d very much like to have you along for the ride!


New look 4x4 magazine, now incorporating Total Off-Road - More pages, better paper

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