Light and Shade

Originally Published: February 2025

Life’s complicated isn’t it? Obviously most journalists have the moral attributes of a hyena which died through eating too many kittens.

So we’re not exactly in a place where we can even see the moral high ground, let alone stand on it. However, some events cause even us a certain amount of cognitive dissonance. This is obviously one. At one level the Children’s Desert, which has been running for 20 years thanks to Hyundai, does some really good work. The event operates in the
more remote parts of Morocco and this year the automotive caravan set off to build and equip two libraries, complete with all equipment including computers.

It wasn’t what you would call easy. The weather was a serious challenge, with high winds, rain, sandstorms and other
unseasonable, unreasonable elements conspiring to make the expedition from Tangiers down south a real adventure. But eventually they got to the remote village of Ouzina and duly set up the library – this was the scene, 20 years ago, where they set up their first school. The second library was set up in Tisserdimine.

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