Scots Find New Site In East Fife

Originally Published: October 2015 Words: Graham Somerville Pictures: Christine Judd

The Scottish Off-Road Club held the fourth roundof this year’s Trials Championship at a brand new site in East Fife, which attracted a fantastic gathering of 26 competitors. It’s been a while since we’ve had these kind of numbers, so long may it continue!

Splitting into two groups, we leapfrogged the sections so as to get everyone through them all. After a busy briefing, we spent the morning in one field, which was large enough to do the whole day, consisting of different angles and slopes – one or two of the top-heavy vehicles had an interesting time on these!

With only three sections down and lunchtime upon us, our master-setter scurried off up the hill with two of his helpers to get everything ready for the afternoon. Meanwhile, in glorious sunshine and a nice breeze, lunch was had, with the children being entertained by the ‘magic disco minibus’. Sensing unrest amongst the eager groups ready to get back to play and to stem some time for the course setters, we lined up for a photo shoot.

Kickstarting the afternoon, the convoy of vehicles was led round a couple of barley field headlands, and up the hill to a beautiful view (and more sections of course). What a ball we had on those four sections; some thinking must have certainly gone into them to make them as interesting and challenging as possible for each and every vehicle.

With the sun beating down hard, by 5pm we were all knackered and ready for bed – what a brilliant day we’d had, on a great site with lots of scope for different activities.

We’re now looking forward to our Punch Hunt on the West Coast, but by the time you read this we’ll be having our on-road treasure hunt and social activity night out, complete with fast cars and slick tuxes – yup, you guessed it, it’s a Bond theme!

As always, keep up to date with all our activities at or through our Facebook group.

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